CEO Masahiro Morimoto

2-12-23 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

(Code No.: 2158 TSE Growth Market)

About FRONTEO: URL: https://www.fronteo.com/

FRONTEO is a data analysis company that specializes in using its proprietary AI engines, “KIBIT” and “Concept Encoder,” as well as “Looca Cross,” to extract significant and meaningful information from vast amounts of text data and intricate networks. These technologies support businesses by helping them draw meaningful insights from large and complex data. Since its inception in August 2003, the company has primarily focused on legal tech services such as e-discovery (electronic evidence disclosure) and digital forensic investigations to assist corporations with international litigation. In addition to the operations in Japan, the US, South Korea, and Taiwan, FRONTEO expanded its operations into life sciences, business intelligence, and economic security from 2014. Utilizing AI, the company has transformed textual data into actionable knowledge, aiding in drug discovery, dementia diagnosis, as well as finance, HR, and sales support. FRONTEO has made significant contributions to solving various corporate challenges. The company was listed on the TSE Mothers (now: TSE Growth Market) on June 26, 2007. In January 2021, they received a license for manufacturing and selling Class I medical devices (License No.: 13B1X10350) and reported the sales of these devices in September (Report No.: 3 Minato Life Devices No. 120). As of March 31, 2022, the company’s capital is 3,034,846 thousand yen.

*Note: FRONTEO, KIBIT, conceptencoder, and Looca Cross are registered trademarks of FRONTEO in Japan.<For Media Inquiries> FRONTEO Inc., Public Relations Email: pr_contact@fronteo.com

<For Inquiries related to Economic Security Business & AI Solutions> FRONTEO Inc., Economic Security Business Department https://osint.fronteo.com/contact/

東京大学先端科学技術研究センタールール形成戦略分野と経済安全保障領域の共同プロジェクトを開始 | FRONTEO, Inc. | 自社開発のAIでビジネスソリューションを提供

株式会社FRONTEO(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:守本 正宏、以下 FRONTEO)は、東京大学先端科学技術研究センタールール形成戦略分野と、経 […]

「経済安全保障に関する海外の最新動向《前編》」経済的威圧への対処、半導体を巡る国際動向、先端技術に関する国際政治ダイナミクスについて <2023年6月21日開催> | FRONTEO 経済安全保障 | 自社開発のAIでビジネスソリューションを提供


【イベント開催】インド太平洋エキスパート・ラウンドテーブル II(2024/10/24)
24.10.2024 Sinopsis
【Hosted Event】Indo-Pacific Expert Roundtable II (24/10/2024)
# イベント開催
【イベント告知】FRONTEO AI Innovation Forum(2024/07/17)
11.07.2024 FRONTEO
【EVENT】Advanced Technology and Security(17.7.2024)
# 登壇
【登壇・東京】経済安全保障リスクと企業経営 企業を取り巻く経済安全保障対応と体制構築(2024/04/24)
26.04.2024 FRONTEO
【Speaking Engagements・Tokyo】Economic security risks and corporate management "Economic security response and system architecture surrounding companies" (04/24/2024)
# 登壇
21.06.2023 FRONTEO
【Speaking Engagements・Online】 FRONTEO's Seminar on Latest Global Trends in Economic Security [Part 1]
# 登壇
14.03.2023 FRONTEO
[PRESS RELEASE] Joint Project with FRONTEO Initiated
# プレスリリース

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