【米】Pacific Forum

【米】Pacific Forum

Founded in 1975, the Pacific Forum is a non-profit foreign policy research institute based in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Forum’s programs encompass current and emerging political, security, economic, and business issues and work to help stimulate cooperative policies in the Indo-Pacific region through analysis and dialogue undertaken with the region’s leaders in the academic, government, and corporate areas.

CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors
11.10.2024 Past
CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors

The Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at RCAST, The University of Tokyo and Pacific Forum will co-host a symposium titled "CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors" from 14:00-16:00 on Oct.11.

This symposium will bring together experts from 5 countries in the Indo-Pacific - U.S., Australia, India, Singapore, and the Philippines - to discuss how this region can collaborate better on issues related to AI and semiconductors.

We will share some of the outcomes from the closed discussions, where we examined the challenges and opportunities facing different CET actors operating in the Indo-Pacific related to AI and semiconductors. This will allow for the identification of the means to identify best practices for enhancing Indo-Pacific tech cooperation while building trust between existing stakeholders.

The language of this symposium will be in English. Please note that there is NO simultaneous interpretation. Pre-registration required.

【イベント開催】CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors(2024/10/11)
11.10.2024 Pacific Forum
【Event】CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors (11/10/2024)
# 登壇
【イベント開催】日-東南アジア “CONVERGE” ヤング・リーダーズ会議(2024/10/09)
09.10.2024 Pacific Forum
【Hosted Events】Japan-Southeast Asia "CONVERGE" Young Leaders Workshop (09/10/2024)
# イベント開催
30.08.2024 Pacific Forum
【Hosted Events】Young Leaders session with the Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss (30/08/2024)
# イベント開催
【イベント開催】Transforming AI Cooperation: Policy, Environment, and Capability Gaps(2023/11/7-8)
08.11.2023 Pacific Forum
【EVENT】Transforming AI Cooperation: Policy, Environment, and Capability Gaps (7,8/11/2023)
# イベント開催
【若手小論文コンテスト】偽情報に立ち向かう日米同盟− 次世代からの提言
12.10.2023 Pacific Forum
United States and Japan: An Alliance Against Disinformation
# 小論文
【米】Pacific Forum
Pacific Forum

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