
Newest Activities


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【イベント開催】CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors(2024/10/11)
11.10.2024 Emerging Technology
【Event】CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors (11/10/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
05.09.2024 Emerging Technology
AI Symposium co-organised by the Delegation of Europe and the Embassy of Sweden (5/9/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【イベント開催】 日米AIセキュリティ協力:偽情報・サイバー脅威に関する敵対的 AI リスクと緩和戦略(2024/07/19)
19.07.2024 Emerging Technology
【Hosted Event】US-Japan Al Security: Adversarial Al Risks and Mitigation Strategies for Disinformation and Cyber Threats (19/07/2024)
# Hosted events
【テレビ出演】NIKKEI NEWS NEXT(2024/7/17)
17.07.2024 Emerging Technology
【Media Appearance】NIKKEI NEWS NEXT (17/07/024)
# TV Appearances
【イベント告知】FRONTEO AI Innovation Forum(2024/07/17)
11.07.2024 Emerging Technology
【EVENT】Advanced Technology and Security(17.7.2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【テレビ出演】報道ライブ インサイドアウト(2024/05/29)
29.05.2024 Emerging Technology
【TV Appearance】 News Report Live Inside Out (29/05/2024)
# TV Appearances
【メディア引用】日本経済新聞 (2024/04/14)
14.04.2024 Emerging Technology
【Media EXCERPT】The Nikkei (14/04/2024)
# Media mentions
23.11.2023 Emerging Technology
【Publication of Paper】National Security College, Australian National University (Akira Igata) (23/11/2023)
23.11.2023 Emerging Technology
【Publication of Paper】National Security College, Australian National University (Katsuya Tamai) (23/11/2023)
【メディア引用】日本経済新聞 (2023/10/05)
05.10.2023 Emerging Technology
【Media Mentions】Nihon Keizai Shimbun(NIKKEI) (05/10/2023)
# Media mentions

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