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【メディア引用】「培養肉、ルール整備でつまずき 食料安保のリスク要因に」日本経済新聞(2024/11/18)
18.11.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【NEWSPAPER EXCERPT】Cultured meat, stumbling blocks in rule development, a risk factor for food security’, the Nikkei (18/11/2024).
# Media mentions
12.11.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【Media Excerpt】 "Clear rules for Japan's cultured meat market: JACA Proposes Establishment of Contact Point for Information Consolidation", Foovo (12/11/2024).
# Media mentions
【メディア引用】「『試食すらできない』日本の培養肉 資金や技術流出懸念」日本経済新聞(2024/10/25)
25.10.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【NEWSPAPER EXCERPT】‘Cultured meat in Japan that “can't even be tasted”: fears of outflow of funds and technology’, Nihon Keizai Shimbun (25/10/2024).
# Media mentions
【登壇・アムステルダム】Regulating the Future of Food Conference(2024/10/24-25)
25.10.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【EVENT・Amsterdam】Regulating the Future of Food Conference (24,25/10/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【メディア引用】「培養肉ルールづくり加速を 海外先行、民間団体が提言」日本経済新聞(2024/10/21)
21.10.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【Media Extract】‘Accelerate cultured meat rule-making, foreign countries ahead, private group suggests’, The Nikkei (21/10/2024).
# Media mentions
13.09.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【EVENT・California】7th Cultured Meat Symposium(12,13/09/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【登壇・カリフォルニア】iCAMP24 3rd Annual Cultivated Meat & Alternative Protein Summit 2024(2024/09/09)
09.09.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【EVENT, California】iCAMP24 3rd Annual Cultivated Meat & Alternative Protein Summit 2024 (09/09/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【登壇・愛知】日本食品科学工学会 第71回大会(2024/08/29-31)
31.08.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【EVENT, Aichi prefecture】the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (29-31/08/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
25.06.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【Workshop】"Regulation for Cellular Agriculture and Novel Food" co-hosted with JACA and Dongguk University
# Hosted events
26.04.2024 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【EVENT・ONLINE】 Latest trends and future prospects for the realisation and market expansion of cellular food products (26/04/2024)
# Speaking Engagements

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