東大先端研ESRP ディレクターの井形彬が、European Value Center主催のパネルに登壇しました(2024/09/25)。
Economic Zeitenwende? Bolstering Economic Security Amid Geopolitical Tensions (経済的な「時代の転換点」?地政学的緊張における経済的安全保障の強化)
Arta Haxhixhemajli: Non-Resident Research Fellow, german Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), RKS
Sense Hofstede: Research Associate, Clingendael Institute, NL
Akira Igata: Project Lecturer, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo, JPN
H.E. Roy Chun Lee: Taiwan’s Representative to the EU and Belgium, Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium, TW
Filip Šebok: Head of Prague Office, Central European Institute of Asian Studies