The Economic Security Research Programme (ESRP) at RCAST, The University of Tokyo, and the Pacific Forum co-hosted a symposium entitled “CONVERGE: Forging International Partnerships and Collaboration on AI and Semiconductors” (11/10/2024). Experts in advanced science and technology policy from the USA, Australia, Singapore, India, and the Philippines participated in the symposium and engaged in lively discussions.

The talks focused on the “3 Ps” of Promote, Protect, and Partnership. The speakers emphasized the need to create an environment where innovative ideas can flourish to advance science and technology and to foster trust between academia, policy researchers, and industry in like-minded countries.

Cooperation with Southeast Asian countries was also a key topic. In an international environment where the US and China are at odds, Southeast Asian countries, which value their relationships with both nations, prefer not to take sides, adhering to the phrase “Don’t Make Us Choose” (DMUC). It was agreed that building communication and cooperation mechanisms in the Indo-Pacific is vital.
While the science and technology focus areas of each country do not always align, such as fintech in the Philippines, there was hope that Japan would serve as a “lynchpin” to unite these countries.