
Experts affiliated with the ESRP

Maya Sobchuk

 Maya Sobchuk is a Project Academic Specialist within the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), Economic Security Research Program based at the University of Tokyo and a Non-Resident Fellow in the Artificial Intelligence and Global Governance Programme at the Global Governance Institute in Brussels.

 She studies the cyber and information aspect of hybrid war, specifically Russian influence operations and information manipulation. Her current research undertakings include the China-Russia nexus on disinformation around the world as well as information operations targeting global perceptions of Japan.

 She was a 2022 Watson Fellow and spent one year in ten countries studying influence operations. Maya is from Kyiv, Ukraine and Los Angeles, California and speaks English, Ukrainian, and Russian.

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Activities in our Programs

Economic Security


【登壇予告】How Russia and China Collaborate in the Information Space
【EVENT】How Russia and China Collaborate in the Information Space


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