The ESRP co-organized a workshop with representatives from NATO Headquarters and the NATO Contact Point Embassy (CPE), mainly students associated with the ESRP at the University of Tokyo, and the Royal Danish Embassy in Japan (03/12/2024).
First, presentations on NATO’s engagement with Indo-Pacific countries and the actual state of public diplomacy were given by Pietro De Mateis (Indo-Pacific Engagement Division, Department of Public Information and Cultural Diplomacy, NATO Headquarters), who came from NATO Headquarters, and Roi Al-Suhairi, NATO CPE officer in charge, followed by a presentation on the ESRP Director, Akira Igata, moderated the session.

This was followed by a lively exchange of views, with the participating students asking a variety of pointed questions and opinions.
The workshop was followed by a networking lunch between the ESRP Young Leaders and the more senior speakers attending in the afternoon.