在日米国大使館 U.S. Embassy in Japan

在日米国大使館 U.S. Embassy in Japan

U.S. Embassy Tokyo represents the U.S. federal government in Japan. It is primarily responsible for negotiating and collecting information from the Japanese government, promoting American culture and tourism, and acting as a facilitator for U.S. companies.

ディスインフォメーションと国境を越えた抑圧: ウクライナ・ウイグル・香港における事例研究
27.10.2023 Past
Understanding disinformation and transnational repression: Case studies of Ukraine, Uyghurs, and Hong Kong

The Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), the University of Tokyo hosted a symposium titled “Understanding Disinformation and Transnational Repression: Case Studies of Ukraine, Uyghurs and Hong Kong” on 27 October 2023.

The symposium featured the Government Relations Manager at The Uyghur Human Rights Project, Julie Millsap; Research Fellow at Watson Foundation Maya Sobchuk; Visiting Researcher at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, Athena Tong; and the Campaign Director at Safeguard Defenders, Laura Harth.

After a welcome speech by Masakazu Sugiyama, the Director of RCAST, Adam Gallagher from the U.S. Embassy’s Public Affairs section gave some remarks, highlighting the importance of cooperation between the U.S. and Japan, especially in the face of mutual threats such as that of disinformation.

Following case studies and analysis presented by the speakers, a Q&A session was moderated by Akira Igata, Project Lecturer from the University of Tokyo. Discussions spanned from the role of states and social media platforms in combatting disinformation, to more contextual questions on Russia and China.

Our program stands dedicated to pioneering policy research in economic security, which includes combating foreign information manipulation and interference. Our mission is to fuse the swiftly advancing domains of science and technology with the ever-changing landscape of global politics, vital in shaping a more progressive society.

27.03.2023 Past
Special lecture by the Honorable Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. Ambassador to Japan

On Monday, 18 May 2023, the Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo hosted a symposium. The event featured the Hon. Rahm Emanuel, the Ambassador of the United States to Japan, and was attended by more than one hundred people. The symposium comprised a keynote speech by Ambassador Emanuel, a subsequent discussion with Professor Akira Igata, Project Lecturer and Director of the ESRP, and a Q&A session with the audience.

Ambassador Emanuel held key positions in the U.S, including serving as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Chief of Staff to the President during the Obama Administration, and Mayor of Chicago. He has been serving as the Ambassador of the United States to Japan since 2021.

After a welcome speech by Masakazu Sugiyama, the Director of RCAST, Ambassador Emanuel delivered his keynote address. He touched upon the content of his report on economic coercion, emphasizing that the current state of international relations has been significantly disrupted by factors such as COVID-19, Chinese coercion, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He further stressed the need for a collective defense against economic coercion, especially with regard to China.

Following his keynote, Ambassador Emanuel engaged in a discussion with Professor Igata and responded to questions from the audience. The discussion spanned a wide range of topics, including not only economic security but also Ambassador Emanuel's leadership during his tenure as Mayor of Chicago, his insights into Japanese domestic issues, and the merits of liberal democracy.

The content discussed during this symposium is reflected in the framework about economic coercion presented at the G7 Hiroshima summit.

Our program is deeply committed to cutting-edge policy research in the field of economic security. We endeavor to find solutions that harmonize the rapidly evolving realms of science and technology with the dynamic arena of international politics. Both elements are crucial in our pursuit of a better society.

Moving forward, our program will continue to facilitate dialogue with visionary societies through similar events centered on economic security.

在日米国大使館 U.S. Embassy in Japan
U.S. Embassy in Japan

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