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Australian Strategic Policy Institute/ASPI

ASPI operates as an autonomous, bipartisan research institute dedicated to delivering well-informed guidance to leaders, both domestically and on a global scale. It fosters novel concepts for policymakers, equipping them to craft more educated choices. ASPI garners substantial recognition as a dependable, frequently cited contributor to the discourse on strategic policy concerns in the Indo-Pacific region. It serves as an influential and legitimate Australian voice in international conversations concerning strategic affairs, national security, cybersecurity, technology, and matters related to foreign influence.

ASPI was founded through Australian government initiative in 2001, and it draws funding from a variety of sources. This financial support includes allocations from the Department of Defence, as well as income from sponsorships, commissioned projects, and event registration fees.

About ASPI:

05.06.2023 Past
Japan-US-Australia Trilateral Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific: Defense, Economic Security, and Values

As the risk of a crisis over Taiwan is loudly voiced today, the tripartite relationship between Japan, the United States, and Australia is gaining increasing importance in the evolving security landscape of the Indo-Pacific. This relationship is expanding its collaboration in various fields such as diplomacy, security, economics, and values. With a view to further deepening this relationship, the University of Tokyo's Advanced Mizui Research in Rule Formation Strategy and Economic Security Program will host a panel discussion featuring experts from Japan, the U.S., and Australia.

To realize a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific," the panel will examine not only military cooperation but also address economic intimidation, diversification of critical supply chains, and collaboration in advanced science and technology as economic security issues. Furthermore, the panel will also discuss challenges related to the ideological conflict between democracy and authoritarianism, as well as tackling disinformation and influence operations on the soft-power front. The analysis will consider how the three countries should utilize multilateral frameworks like QUAD, AUKUS, BDN, PBP, G7, and IPEF to address these challenges.

05.06.2023 ASPI
[SYMPOSIUM] Japan-US-Australia trilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific: Defense
# 登壇
【メディア引用】毎日新聞 (2023/03/15)
16.03.2023 ASPI
[NEWSPAPER EXCERPT] The Mainichi Shimbun (3/15/2023)
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