ESRP, RCAST, The University of Tokyo co-hosted a symposium titled “Japan-NATO Symposium 2024: Partnership in uncertain times” with NATO and Embassy of Denmark Tokyo.

Kazuhiko Kobayashi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense, Japan gave opning remarks.

Pietro De Matteis, Programme Officer for the Indo-Pacific Engagements Section, Public Diplomacy Division (PDD), NATO HQ, also gave opnning remarks.

H.E. Pål Jonson, Minister for Defence, Sweden gave a keynote speech titled “Swedish perspective on NATO”.

After the keynote speech, Igata Akira, Director of ESRP and Minister Jonson discussed, and the Q&A session from the audience took place.

The first session was titled “Interconnectedness of the Euro-Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific.” Jakub Janda from European Values Center for Security Studies, Viktoria Hjort Malmer from Ministry of Defense, Sweden, H.E. Jean-Eric Paquet, Ambassador, EU Delegation to Japan, Pietro De Matteis from NATO, and Junjiro Shida from Meio University (from the left of the picture above) took the stage.

The second session was titled “Countering threats of disinformation.” H.E. Ovidiu-Alexandru Raețchi, Ambassador, Embassy of Romania to Japan, Amy Ertan from NATO, Masakazu Takamori, CEO, Japan Nexus Intelligence, Maya Sobchuk from ESRP, RCAST, Aaron D. Snipe from U.S . Embassy Tokyo (from the left of the picture above) took the stage.

The third session was titled “The Future of NATO-Japan and IP4 Partnership.” H.E. Kristin Iglum, Ambassador, Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo, Bo Ram Kwon from Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA), Corey Wallace from Kanagawa University, Claire Elias from Australian Embassy Tokyo, Takeshi Sakade from Kyoto University (from the left of the picture above) took the stage.

After these sessions, H.E. Jarl Frijs-Madsen, Ambassador, Royal Danish Embassy to Japan gave closing remarks.
Amidst the international situation is becoming more complex, this symposium, where disussed the corporations between Japan and NATO as partners with shared values, has been meaningful for the future of Japan- NATO relations.