【Media Appearance】Ok! Cozy up! (04/12/2024)

【ラジオ出演】 新行市佳のOK! Cozy up!(2024/12/04)

Akira Igata, Director of ESRP, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, appeared on Nippon Broadcasting System, ‘Shinko Ichiyoshi’s OK! Cozy up!’ (04/12/2024).

Based on the recently held symposium ‘Japan-NATO Symposium 2024: Partnership in Uncertain Times’, he stressed the importance of cooperation between the Indo-Pacific region and NATO in the unstable political climate, as seen in the election results in the liberal bloc.

He also pointed to the presence of China, which is backing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and North Korea’s deployment of troops to Europe as factors that have led to the Indo-Pacific and NATO, two distant regions, to cooperate more closely.

For more information, please click here.


12月4日(水)ニュース ▼日本-NATOシンポジウム 不確実な時代におけるパートナーシップ  ▼中国、オーストラリアへの貿易制裁を全面解除 ▼年収の壁引き上げ、2026年1月適用開始検討  ▼韓国・ユン大統領の「戒厳令」宣言 未明に解除 桜井紀雄(産経新聞ソウル支局長) ▼NATO外相会合 トランプ氏就任前に防衛費増額など意見交換か ▼令和7年度税制改正で、ラピダスの税優遇措置導入を見送り  ▼トランプ次期大統領、日本製鉄のUSスチール買収を「全面的に反対」 コメンテーター 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 特任講師  井形彬

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