【チェコ】European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC)

【チェコ】European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC)

European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC) is a non-governmental, non-partisan thinktank based in Prague, Czechia. ESRP has led the efforts to sign an institutional MOU with EVC in 2024.

03.12.2024 Past
Japan-NATO Symposium 2024: Partnership in uncertain times

Economic Security Research Program (ESRP) at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) at The University of Tokyo, along with the NATO HQ and the Royal Danish Embassy Tokyo (NATO Contact Point Embassy), will co-host the "NATO-Japan Symposium 2024: Partnership in Uncertain Times."

Following the "NATO-Japan Symposium 2023: Emerging Security Challenges," we will once again convene experts from around the world to RCAST, The University of Tokyo to discuss how partner countries can collaborate with each other in the era where uncertainty reigns.

This year, we have the privilege of welcoming the Swedish Defense Minister to make a keynote speech. This will be followed by a discussion among NATO HQ experts, numerous Ambassadors (EU, Norway, Denmark, Romania), and Japan's Parliamentary Vice Minister of Defense, among others.

We will focus on 3 topics during the discussions. (1) Interconnectedness of the Euro-Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific; (2) Navigating uncertain times following the 2024 elections; New government, new threats, new responses; and (3) The Future of NATO-Japan and IP4 Partnership.

21.02.2024 Past
Towards a New Era of Japan - Central and Eastern Europe Collaboration (CEE): Economic Security, Counter-Disinformation, and Taiwan

The relationship between Japan and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has been one of the underexplored areas in international politics. However, the threat perception and foreign policy of the CEE states are changing due to the dramatic shift in the global security environment. This change has opened up new possibilities for cooperation between Japan and CEE countries.

ESRP is proud to invite three speakers from the European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC), a Prague-based think tank and the only European think tank with a permanent presence in Taiwan. The three speakers will discuss "Economic Security," "Disinformation," and "Taiwan" from the perspective of the CEE countries. This will be followed by a moderated discussion and a Q&A with the audience.

【メディア引用】Kyodo News(2024/12/07)
07.12.2024 NATO HQ
【MEDIA EXCERPT】 Kyodo News (07/12/2024)
# メディア引用
【メディア引用】The Japan Times (2024/12/04)
04.12.2024 NATO HQ
【MEDIA EXCERPT】 The Japan Times (04/12/2024)
# メディア引用
【メディア引用】NHK おはよう日本(2014/12/04)
04.12.2024 NATO HQ
【Media】NHK "Good Morning Japan" (04/12/2024)
# メディア引用
【登壇・プラハ】European Values Summit(2024/09/25)
25.09.2024 European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC)
【EVENT, Prague】European Values Summit (25/9/2024)
# 登壇
01.08.2024 European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC)
【Speaking Engagements・Taipei】European Quest for Economic Security: Exploring Spaces for Cooperation with Indo-Pacific Partners (01/08/2024)
# 登壇
【チェコ】European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC)
European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC)

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