【RADIO APPEARANCE】Koji Iida's OK! Cozy up!

【ラジオ出演】 飯田浩司のOK! Cozy up!(2024/04/08)

ESRP Director Akira Igata made an appearance on Nippon Broadcasting’s “OK! Cozy up!”. In the broadcast, citing the earthquake in eastern Taiwan, he commented on the current situation where diversification of the supply chain is being considered by relocating factories from Taiwan, where semiconductor manufacturing equipment is concentrated, to Kumamoto and other locations in Japan.

He also commented on Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to the U.S., which will start today, saying that not only deepening bilateral cooperation in the areas of diplomatic security, supply chain, and advanced technology, but also adding a third country to the U.S.-Japan framework would be considered.

Furthermore, regarding the security clearance system that recently passed the House of Representatives Cabinet Committee, he mentioned the possibility of introducing the system once and improving it as it is implemented, as well as the problem of conflicts with positions at the political service officer level and above.

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