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【メディア掲載】METI Journal Online(2023/09/29)
29.09.2023 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【Media Releases】 METIJournal Online (29.9.2023)
# Media mentions
15.09.2023 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【Event・Tokyo】Seminar on Creativity 2023 ‘Let's play with the future of food - the truth and uncertainty of cellular food’ (01,09,15/09/2023)
# Speaking Engagements
29.08.2023 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【Speaking Engagements・Tokyo】5th Cellular Agriculture Conference (29/08/2023).
# Speaking Engagements
【イベント開催】第6回先端研クロストーク「持続可能な食糧」と「肉肉カンファレンス in 先端研」(2023/07/28)
28.07.2023 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【Event】The 6th Institute for Advanced Study Crosstalk "Sustainable Food" and "Meaty Conference in Institute for Advanced Study" (28/07/2023)
# Hosted events
08.07.2023 Cellular Agriculture and Food Security
【YouTube Appearance】PIVOT Official Channel [Economic security in 30 minutes] (08/07/2023)
# YouTube Appearances

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