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【登壇・東京】ICAS: Next Agenda for Japan’s Economic Security After the 2024 Elections(2024/11/07)
07.11.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【Keynote speaker / Tokyo】ICAS: Next Agenda for Japan’s Economic Security After the 2024 Elections (07/11/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【ラジオ出演】 飯田浩司のOK! Cozy up!(2024/08/19)
19.08.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【RADIO APPEARANCE】ESRP Director Akira Igata appeared on Nippon Broadcasting System's “Koji Iida's OK! Cozy up!” (19/8/2024).
# Radio Appearances
14.06.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【Hosted Events】State-Firm Relations and Economic Security: International Comparisons of U.S., China, EU, Australia, and South America (14/06/2024)
# Hosted events
【登壇・静岡】静岡県立韮山高等学校 サイエンス・ダイアログ(2024/05/31)
31.05.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【Speaking Engagements・Shizuoka】Science Dialogue at the Shizuoka Prefectural Nirayama Senior High School (31/5/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【登壇・東京】経済安全保障リスクと企業経営 企業を取り巻く経済安全保障対応と体制構築(2024/04/24)
26.04.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【Speaking Engagements・Tokyo】Economic security risks and corporate management "Economic security response and system architecture surrounding companies" (04/24/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【イベント開催】1st Early Career Researchers Workshop on Economic Statecraft and International Security(2024/03/29)
29.03.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【Hosted Events】1st Early Career Researchers Workshop on Economic Statecraft and International Security (03/29/2024)
# Hosted events
【ブリーフィング実施】日本維新の会 内閣・外交合同部会(2024/02/22)
22.02.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【Briefing】 Japan Innovation Party, Joint Subcommittee on Cabinet and Foreign Affairs (22/02/2024)
【メディア掲載】 AFP通信 (2024/02/16)
17.02.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【ラジオ出演】 新行市佳のOK! Cozy up!(2024/02/06)
06.02.2024 Economic Security (Japan)
【Radio Appearance】 Nippon Broadcasting's 'OK! Cozy up! Hosted by Ichika Shingyou' (06/02/2024)
# Radio Appearances
01.12.2023 Economic Security (Japan)
【Publication of Paper】National Security College, Australian National University (Daisuke Kawai)

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