
Newest Activities


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24.09.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT・Prague】 Briefing to Czech Members of Parliament (24/09/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【登壇・アブダビ】Hili Forum(2024/09/16)
16.09.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT,・Abu Dhabi】Hili Forum (16/09/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【登壇・東京】カナダ国防大臣Bill Blair氏との座談会(2024/09/13)
13.09.2024 ES International Cooperation
Roundtable discussion with Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, Canada (13.9.2024)
【登壇予告・東京】カナダ国防大臣Bill Blair氏との座談会(2024/09/13)
06.09.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT】Roundtable discussion with Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, Canada (13/09/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
【メディア引用】BNN Bloomberg (2024/09/05)
06.09.2024 ES International Cooperation
【Media Mentions】BNN Bloomberg (05/09/2024).
# Media mentions
【イベント開催】Jeremy Chih-Cheng Chang氏招聘セミナー(2024/08/30)
30.08.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT】Seminar with Invited Speaker Jeremy Chih-Cheng Chang (30/08/2024)
# Hosted events
23.08.2024 ES International Cooperation
【HosteddEvent】Critical and Emerging Technology Cooperation in the Quad: Current Status and Future Prospect (21/08/2024)
# Hosted events
【登壇・ヘルシンキ】Helsinki Geoeconomics Week(2024/8/12~2024/8/16)
16.08.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT, Helsinki】Helsinki Geoeconomics Week(12/08/2024~16/08/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
01.08.2024 ES International Cooperation
【Speaking Engagements・Taipei】European Quest for Economic Security: Exploring Spaces for Cooperation with Indo-Pacific Partners (01/08/2024)
# Speaking Engagements
31.07.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT・Taipei】 Seminar co-organised by DSET and National Chengchi University (01/08/2024)
# Speaking Engagements

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