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【イベント開催】変化する時代における日・スウェーデン関係:2024年選挙後の共通の利益と機会の探求 (2024/11/22)
22.11.2024 ES International Cooperation
【Event】Japan-Sweden relationship in a shifting era: Exploring common interests and opportunities following the 2024 elections (22 November, 2024)
# Press Release
【イベント開催】インド太平洋エキスパート・ラウンドテーブル II(2024/10/24)
24.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【Event】Indo-Pacific Expert Roundtable II
23.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【Report】One-on-one discussion with US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel
# Press Release
【登壇予告・東京】”Next agenda for Japan’s economic security: Navigating the era of post-2024 presidential election”
18.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT】”Next agenda for Japan’s economic security: Navigating the era of post-2024 presidential election”
17.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【recruitment】hosting resident Visiting Fellows
17.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT,Taipei】Symposium co-organised by the Institute for Science, Technology, Democracy and Society (DSET) and the National University of Political Science (12/10/2024).
【イベント開催】Jeremy Chih-Cheng Chang氏招聘セミナー(2024/08/30)
17.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT】Seminar with Invited Speaker Jeremy Chih-Cheng Chang (30/8/2024)
【登壇・ヘルシンキ】Helsinki Geoeconomics Week(2024/8/12~2024/8/16)
17.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT, Helsinki】Helsinki Geoeconomics Week(12/8/2024~16/8/2024)
【メディア出演】YouTube番組「Stan from Poland」(台湾・経済安保)
02.10.2024 ES International Cooperation
【登壇・プラハ】European Values Summit(2024/09/25)
25.09.2024 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT, Prague】European Values Summit (25/9/2024)
# Speakings

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