
Newest Activities


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【イベント開催】Transforming AI Cooperation: Policy, Environment, and Capability Gaps(2023/11/7-8)
08.11.2023 ES International Cooperation
【EVENT】Transforming AI Cooperation: Policy, Environment, and Capability Gaps (7,8/11/2023)
# Hosted events
【登壇・東京】インド太平洋における米欧諸国(transatlantic partners)との協働(2023/10/26)
26.10.2023 ES International Cooperation
【Event・Tokyo】How Can Japan Leverage Transatlantic Cooperation to Achieve a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)? (26/10/2023)
# Speaking engagements
【登壇・プラハ】CFIS23 in Prague (2023/10/13)
13.10.2023 ES International Cooperation
【Event・Prague】CFIS23 in Prague (11/13/2023)
# Speaking engagements
24.08.2023 ES International Cooperation
【Hosted Events】Workshop with Harry Harris (the former U.S. Ambassador to ROK) (04/08/2023)
# Hosted events
【メディア引用】 Euractive「日本の経済安全保障の夜明け」(2023/06/14)
14.06.2023 ES International Cooperation
[MEDIA EXCERPT] Japan’s Economic Security Awakening (14/06/2023)
# Media mentions
【メディア引用】Le Figaro(2023/06/06)
06.06.2023 ES International Cooperation
【Media Mentions】Le Figaro (06/06/2023)
# Media mentions
05.06.2023 ES International Cooperation
[SYMPOSIUM] Japan-US-Australia trilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific: Defense
# Hosted events
【登壇・チェジュ】第18回 チェジュ・フォーラム『インド太平洋における持続可能な平和と繁栄に向けた協力』(2023/6/1)
01.06.2023 ES International Cooperation
【Event・Jeju】18th Jeju Forum: Working Together for Sustainable Peace and Prosperity in the Indo-Pacific (01/06/2023)
# Speaking engagements
10.05.2023 ES International Cooperation
【Event・Tokyo】Discussion with the visiting delegation from Defence and Strategic Studies Course (DSSC), Australian Defence College (10/05/2023)
# Speaking engagements
22.03.2023 ES International Cooperation
[YOUTUBE APPEARANCE] Jin Matsubara Channel
# YouTube Appearances

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